All or Nothing

I preached a message Sunday on Covenant and it is in my heart so I want to share a little about God and His covenant with man. God is not like us He doesn't look for ways to avoid fulfilling His promises. In fact, He will do just about anything to help us stay in covenant relationship with Him. When man (Adam) broke the intimate covenant relationship God wished to have with man God made another way. At first He set up the law to let man know when He had done wrong. After the law had been in place for many years God still missed His intimacy with man. Under the law man could only approach God once per year through a priest because of the impurity of our sinful nature. But God once again remembering His covenant and showing His desire to know you and I on another level changed everything. He sent Jesus as flesh born of flesh and blood. The blood is very important because God had given dominion over the earth to man. Once God gives something He does not take it back, He's a God of His word. But because He had given this authority to man only a pure man could restore man to a place of intimacy with God. Jesus came as the mediator (go between). The mediator or go between is very important because a sacrifice of flesh and blood had to be made to fulfil this covenant. When God made covenenat with Abraham and His seed God had Abraham kill an animal and divide it in two parts then God passed through the two parts to symbolize the covenant with Abraham and his see (you and me). This animal was gone between thus a mediator or go between. Jesus became the final sacrfice the only go between we need to approach God. Now once we've confessed our sins we have the ability to approach God and He sees us as righteous because of our great Go Between Jesus. Isn't it amazing that God would send all He had His own son to fulfill a contract we had broken. In essence He became the gurantor of both sides of the contract. Now the covenant of God is between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus came to die so we could be included in this covenant. Today when we approach God we pray in Jesus Name because we have been given His name to use. Every time we approach God Jesus repeats our prayers to the Father and asks Him to work on our behalf to fulfill His covenant of blessing and favor with us. You might be asking yourself today what is my part? What do I need to do? The answer is simply receive Jesus Christ and you will immediately be adopted into a covenant of grace. No works will give you the blessing only repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ. What God we serve to give us such love when we deserve death. Isn't it great to know someone loves you uncoditionally and to know that someone is the creator of all things. In light of this shouldn't we give our all to God? To hear this message click on the play button below

Blood Covenant

I preached a message Sunday on Covenant and it is in my heart so I want to share a little about God and His covenant with man. God is not like us He doesn't look for ways to avoid fulfilling His promises. In fact, He will do just about anything to help us stay in covenant relationship with Him. When man (Adam) broke the intimate covenant relationship God wished to have with man God made another way. At first He set up the law to let man know when He had done wrong. After the law had been in place for many years God still missed His intimacy with man. Under the law man could only approach God once per year through a priest because of the impurity of our sinful nature. But God once again remembering His covenant and showing His desire to know you and I on another level changed everything. He sent Jesus as flesh born of flesh and blood. The blood is very important because God had given dominion over the earth to man. Once God gives something He does not take it back, He's a God of His word. But because He had given this authority to man only a pure man could restore man to a place of intimacy with God. Jesus came as the mediator (go between). The mediator or go between is very important because a sacrifice of flesh and blood had to be made to fulfil this covenant. When God made covenenat with Abraham and His seed God had Abraham kill an animal and divide it in two parts then God passed through the two parts to symbolize the covenant with Abraham and his see (you and me). This animal was gone between thus a mediator or go between. Jesus became the final sacrfice the only go between we need to approach God. Now once we've confessed our sins we have the ability to approach God and He sees us as righteous because of our great Go Between Jesus. Isn't it amazing that God would send all He had His own son to fulfill a contract we had broken. In essence He became the gurantor of both sides of the contract. Now the covenant of God is between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus came to die so we could be included in this covenant. Today when we approach God we pray in Jesus Name because we have been given His name to use. Every time we approach God Jesus repeats our prayers to the Father and asks Him to work on our behalf to fulfill His covenant of blessing and favor with us. You might be asking yourself today what is my part? What do I need to do? The answer is simply receive Jesus Christ and you will immediately be adopted into a covenant of grace. No works will give you the blessing only repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ. What God we serve to give us such love when we deserve death. Isn't it great to know someone loves you uncoditionally and to know that someone is the creator of all things. In light of this shouldn't we give our all to God? To hear this message go to and play the sermon title All or Nothing.