Family Reunion

This weekend at Porter Church was special in many ways. Our church feels more and more like a family each and every time we come together. The fellowship was so good yesterday before service that I didn't want to stop it. Even after service many lingered to talk and encourage one another. As we continue to grow together in the grace of God He continues to bless and favor us in new ways. The worship was excellent, great job praise team and the service went well with many ministering to one another. The most special part of our day was being a part of a long over due reunion of siblings. Bill and Susan, brother and sister, had been a part from one another for 40 years when Bill tracked Susan down. The first meeting didn't take place at our church but it was carried over to church. How awesome to see siblings reunited and worshiping together. I couldn't help but think of how many heavenly reunions we will someday have. While each week is special with our church family there was something amazing about how God was bringing this family back together after so many years of separation. I am glad I was able to be a part of this great moment. God is so good, I am thankful for the unity and outpouring of favor we are experiencing at the Porter Church.


Pastor Larry

Beware of Burnout!

As usual this past weekend I busied myself with "very important tasks." As I was laying in the church bathroom floor at 6 PM Saturday evening I was pressing myself to finish so I would have time to pray, finish the sermon, setup the sound equipment in the new sound booth, and print the bulletin for the next morning. It was at that time that I began to wonder if God ever laughed at me. There I was trying to install a hot water tank that was too large for the space it had to go in, wiring electric without turning it off, all while laying in a pool of water. How crazy is that! I am no carpenter, no sound man, and no plumber but there I was doing "kingdom work"? It was at that moment that I realized how humorous and pathetic I sometimes must appear to God. He must get some pretty good laughs out of my sacrificial works. I am not saying that the things that I was doing were not important or that they didn't need to be done, what I am saying is that I had forgotten to lean on the Lord and I was running out in front again trying to make things work. You see we needed all those things done and I wasn't about to wait to find qualified people to do them, it was up to me! After installing the hot water tank and wiring it with hot wires (not smart) I finished the sound booth and went to the bulletin and prayer. I was playing the role of Martha. I had to have the church perfect and ready for Him and the other guests the next morning. My 9-noon Saturday workday had turned into a 9 AM - 12 AM all day event and I hadn't even seen my kids. I'm not complaining, no one forced me to busy myself. But at that moment while I was so busy I felt significant. It wasn't until I reflected that I realized I was neglecting the best things. My family time, study time, and prayer time was being divided amongst things that are not eternal. No wonder so many church workers burn out. We convince ourselves "I must do it because no one else will" and there we go playing Martha, jealous of those who sit at the feet of Jesus like free loaders. Obviously, I need a little more time at his feet. How about you? Are you always running around busying yourself?

This story ends with the biggest laugh of all. Sunday morning I had to get up very early after just a few hours of sleep because the church was dirty and needed a good cleaning. It was then that I discovered that the new hot water tank wasn't even functioning. Why? I hadn't been leaning on Him! At that moment all I could do was join God and laugh at myself. Yesterday, Monday, through a members help a plumber went to the church and simply connected the wire I had not and hooked up the hot water tank correctly. What took me hours he, with his expertise did in minutes and didn't charge us a penny. Alright Lord I get it, lean not on my own understanding. If I had simply purchased the hot water tank and left it alone it would have been installed by a professional and wouldn't have caused me any stress whatsoever. Thank you Lord for being a great teacher and next time I'll try to be quiet and listen before busying myself with the lesser things. As one of our men, Paul, often says Lord I am just a "C" student.


Pastor Larry