Sometimes I Get Discouraged

It is so easy to be excited for God one day and down and discouraged the next. This is the roller coast ride many of us live in everyday life. The greatest truth I've found is that I am not governed by my emotions. Some days I may not like myself but God still loves me. Sometimes I think I'll never make it but God has already given me victory. Sometimes I feel guilty and condemned it's good to know Jesus carried my shame. Regardless of the negative feeling that brings about discouragement Jesus has already provided for my victory and in Him I win every time. He says that He will carry my burdens if I will just give them to Him. The scripture says do not grow weary in well doing! This is a hard commandment to keep but it is nevertheless a command. That must mean it is possible to live on some other plain than a roller coaster of emotion. The Bible says I can take my thoughts captive. That means I don't have to give in to the negative thoughts that can destroy me. I and only I have control of my mind and thoughts. The bible says God has set before us life and death, blessing and cursing and encourages us to choose life. I guess then I can choose to be blessed as well. Choose life, not just choose to live but choose abundant life (life to the full) if you are not currently living abundantly in Christ you are living beneath His promise to you. I don't know about you but I want to hold God to His covenant promises and the blessings He has made available to me, I want them ALL!!!

In closing let me say this. God didn't save you and call you to leave you feeling rejected. He doesn't change His mind and wish He had never met us. He knows what He is doing and when He made you He knew what great things He could do in your life.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

You may have messed up but God isn't finished with you! You may have suffered loss or defeat but God still has victories for your life! You may be guilt ridden from some sin or failure of the past but God's mercies are new every morning! It's time to get up from where you are and begin to trust God. Choose blessing, choose life, choose victory, choose salvation! In Him We Win Every Time!!!

Need some more encouragement listen to my recent message below.

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