Revival Night 1 All Things Are Possible

God is blessing our church. We have fasted and prayed for a week and we are already seeing results. Tonight Evangelist Steve Fisher brought the word. He confirmed much of what God has already been telling us as a church over the past few weeks. I thank God for this confirmation. As Steve reminded us God's Word is confirmed by 2 to 3 witnesses. Tonight we had that 3rd witness of what God is going to do at Porter. We are believing God for the souls of the city of Porter. By doing the recent miracles He has done He has increased out faith. This past Sunday I told the church the only way to stop a move of God is to let flesh get in the way. God has made me much more sensitive to His Spirit and I am being very careful as a pastor to allow Him to move. With this heightened awareness of His will He has been able to do more among us. I have included Brother Steve's sermon below. I pray that is blesses you as it did us. All Things Are Possible!!!

Pastor Larry

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