Great Weekend

Another great weekend at Porter church! God is up to something!

Past Week:

We had 3 first time visitors this weekend and 1 other that had not attended in at least 2 years. One of the new couples expressed just how at home they felt and their desire to continue attending our church. I am a very proud pastor when I hear someone express just how loving our congregation is. What a family we are. Our diversity is great in areas of theology, past, denominational affiliations, etc.... but we have one primary thing in common, the love of God and a passion for Jesus Christ.

I continually proclaim "God is up to something to Porter church" but I often omit one very important factor He is doing something through you the body! I am very proud as always to say I am your Pastor.

For the final note about last weekend. I had one person report seeing a rack of wine behind the pulpit. There were some older bottles of wine but he also reported seeing racks with new wine. I believe we drank from some of those new bottles Sunday morning, praise God! Let me encourage you as you read this to get in tune with what the Spirit of God is doing and saying we are on the brink of a major spiritual breakthrough. It is time to pull together and unite in prayer for a move of God.

Sunday night Work Night:

Several met again on Sunday evening to continue working on the remodel. We are making tremendous progress and before you know it the sanctuary will be completed. Our next project will be building a sound booth. We discuss it Sunday and determined what materials will be necessary to make it happen. Thank you to everyone for all the work you have put into this remodel project.

Coming Week:

Come expecting God to do something very special on Wednesday evening. The church is a mess since we did work last night so please plan to come early and help clean up. We will have food and drinks for the kids and workers alike. I will be speaking to the youth this week and Gena will be in children's ministries. We need 2 volunteers to help with the kids each and every week. So far Rusty has been very kind and helped out each week. Last week I had the opportunity to stay in the back and speak to our children we had a great time together.

We will have our first men's breakfast on Saturday morning at 8:30 at Duffy's in Coweta. Paul Cox is in charge and I want to encourage every male to come and enjoy this time of fun and fellowship.

Sunday isn't far away and I am already anticipating what the Lord is going to do this weekend.


Pastor Larry

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