Family Reunion

This weekend at Porter Church was special in many ways. Our church feels more and more like a family each and every time we come together. The fellowship was so good yesterday before service that I didn't want to stop it. Even after service many lingered to talk and encourage one another. As we continue to grow together in the grace of God He continues to bless and favor us in new ways. The worship was excellent, great job praise team and the service went well with many ministering to one another. The most special part of our day was being a part of a long over due reunion of siblings. Bill and Susan, brother and sister, had been a part from one another for 40 years when Bill tracked Susan down. The first meeting didn't take place at our church but it was carried over to church. How awesome to see siblings reunited and worshiping together. I couldn't help but think of how many heavenly reunions we will someday have. While each week is special with our church family there was something amazing about how God was bringing this family back together after so many years of separation. I am glad I was able to be a part of this great moment. God is so good, I am thankful for the unity and outpouring of favor we are experiencing at the Porter Church.


Pastor Larry

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