Why Me?

Sunday I preached a message on the subject of "WHY". Why me God? Why do bad things happen to good people. Although no one but God can truly answer this question I felt a responsibility to address the issue. The first thing to consider is that God never intended for the world to be in the shape it is now in. He intended for Adam and Eve to live in fellowship with Him. Satan came in, as he does so often in our lives, and acted as a deceiver. He told them the good things that they could have if they would just disobey and stray from God's perfect plan. They allowed the temptation to overcome them and gave in to a shortcut that would temporarily stall God's plan to have relationship with mankind. The Bible tells us that satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But God sent His Son,Jesus, so we could live an abundant life. He came to seek and save those who have been deceived (lost). Adam and Eve gave up the perfection that God had instituted and we now long for. So it's our enemy, satan, that is to blame and not God when things don't go our way.

Some ask why do good moral Christian people come under attack? The answer is simple. If satan can destroy and discourage those trying to represent God he will and he will stop at nothing. The point is it isn't time to give up! It's time to get up even if you've fallen, if you're discouraged and hurting, get up! Someone needs you! Sure the bumps in the road of life will come that's when we have to rely even more on God to carry us. When your strength fails remember in our weakness He is still strong.

So why? We may not answer that age old question in this post but we do need to keep in mind that God has an excellent plan for those who are willing to trust Him. Cast your cares today on Jesus. Are you down? Look to Him he's your hope. Are you sick? Look to Jesus by His stripes we are healed. Are you feeling guilty for something you've done? Look to Jesus where there is forgiveness of sin.

In Jesus Christ satan is defeated, Death is destroyed, Financial loss is restored, and we have the promise of eternal life.

The message below addresses these same issues.

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