43! You may be wondering what is the significance of the number 43, it's simple. 43 means God is good and faithful. 43 means that if you trust and obey Him He will reward you openly. 43 is not my age at least not yet. 43 means we are making progress. 43 to some seems like an insignificant amount but when you had 13 43 is huge. 43 is the number of people who showed up to worship at Porter this morning. God is blessing our church and the pews are quickly filling up. What a blessing to see people coming in to find their pew taken or a new couple walk in and have to stop and look just to find a place to sit. On July 1st we will have been pastoring at Porter for 1 year and God gets all the glory for the growth we have seen. I just wanted to praise Him openly. If you have no place to go and are looking for a church that is loving and growing come and see what God is doing in Porter Oklahoma!

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