Baptizing them in the name of...

Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

Let me start with a thank you to Pastor Larry Duncan and the people of the Coweta Church for allowing us to use the baptismal.

On Sunday evening October 11th I was privileged to baptize 8. What a thrill to see 8 individuals following in the footsteps of Christ and being baptized in water. It was of course a special privilege to have the opportunity to baptize 3 of my own children. Each one of these converts have their own unique story of conversion and last night they made a public profession of their faith by following the Lord in obedience to His word.

God is moving in mighty and mysterious ways among us and it is always exciting to see what He is going to do next. God is up to something at Porter Church.

Pastor Larry

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