Gods Promise from September 26th 2009


I have had a few ask that I share what God spoke to us Sunday. Below you will see the entire prophecy plus the scriptures that relate to it.

"On Saturday night September 26, 2009 there was a deep, deep crying in my spirit. The Lord spoke to me in His still small voice and this is what He said.

Someone, no everyone needs to hear and fully obey the word of God!!!

My spirit is bearing witness that we must walk deeper in the things of God.

God wants to open the heavens (Deuteronomy 28)and pour out His Glory but He awaits us to position ourselves for this great outpouring.
This new thing (Isaiah 43) God wants to do will come quickly once we have humbled ourselves and fully rested on Him.

The time is short and the time is now. We are going to be challenged to submit everything we are and everything we have to the will of the Father. Once we are fully submitted He is going to do a mighty work from the depths.

A work like we do not know a work that no one will be able to explain away with excuses or explain with carnal reasoning.

God has positioned us in a very special and fruitful place and those who completely listen to what He is saying will walk in the divine going forth and declaring His name with might and power.

Those who refuse to listen and obey will continue living in mediocrity until they are prepared to fully submit to the will of the Father.

He wants to open up the heavens (Deuteronomy 28) above us. No doubt, some here today feel as though the heavens over you are like brass (Deuteronomy 28) and your prayers are not being heard but the Lord declares today is the day of victory, the year of jubilee is before our eyes. This is a time of great gain, the time of taking spiritual territory for the name of the Lord.

Close of the prophecy: As I went to prayer about what He was saying He began to speak even further and to build my faith with the scripture passages I have shared with you below. The close of the prophecy is this!!!

• Those who will submit will need to step out in faith and declare (confess)the promise given here this morning in this Word.

• Many will see these promises accomplished by travailing before the Lord in prayer and fasting!!!

• These promises will be birthed from the Spirit of God and through the process of our travail they will be implanted into our Spirits (we will be impregnated) so that we come to believe they are, though there is no physical evidence of them.

Scripture References:

Isaiah 61:1-3 a reminder of the power God is enabled us with
Isaiah 60:1-5 promises to Israel and for the church today
Deuteronomy 28: open heavens rather than brass
Isaiah 43:15-21 (we must forget the past good and bad and expect and accept the new thing God is about to do among us)

I am sure we haven't seen or heard the last of what God is doing and saying to us. Don't consider this thread closed because God is still speaking to me even now.


Pastor Larry

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