Porter Church

The Porter Church has been in existence for a number of years. We have come through both good and bad times and today remain as a part of God's plan to build His kingdom. We desire to know the heart of God and show His love to our community and world. We desire to be engaged in the harvest in these last days. We are a church that tries to think outside the traditional box to find the local needs and meet them through God's love and power. We welcome all people regardless of life situations, race, or religious background. Jesus roamed about this earth in the flesh inviting all to come to know Him. Our goal remains in line with Christ. We welcome you to come to know Him and be changed due to His great sacrfice. It's true! Christ died so we could live and live eternally. We want to share this eternity with you, all who are within our reach. If you don't have a church to call home you are invited to the Porter Church. We don't judge you for your past we simply try to show you the promise of your future!

Pastor Larry

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