All is Forgiven

I thought I should share a little about God's grace and how He has changed my life. I was raised in church by parents who knew and loved God. During my childhood I saw the hand of God at many different times. I had an early childhood experience and came to know Jesus as my personal Savior. But as it so often happens during my teen years I slipped from a life devoted to Christ and sought for my independence. I went through the next 20 years of my lift lost looking for what I once had in Jesus Christ. It wouldn't benefit anyone for me to go into detail but I was lost and kept searching for answers. It wasn't until I was 24 years old that I would again try church. I had been constantly invited over the years but was afraid of having to make a change in my life. I guess I knew all along that God had a plan for my life and I was afraid to walk in it. Finally at the insistence of my wife we decided to attend the church I grew up in The Church of God of Prophecy in Coweta, Oklahoma. It was there that I met a loving church and Pastor D. Frank Hughes. Pastor Hughes was not satisfied with half hearted Christianity with him it was all or nothing. When Gena and I would miss a service he would call, send a bulletin or even come to the house. The more I went to church the more I realized the thing I had been searching for was a relationship with my Creator. I did not return to Him right away I didn't want to make major changes in my life. I saw christianity as bondage and I thought I was free. One day while driving down the road heading to work I had a real encounter with God. I was listening to Christian Radio and there was worship music playing at that moment I decided to make Jesus Christ Lord of my life. Almost instantly on the same drive home he called me into the ministry.

If I were to name the list of things I have done in my past you would wonder how can God love such a person? I have found that God doesn't remember even one of those sins because Jesus paid the price for all of my past failures. God's grace is sufficient for anything you may have done wrong. Guilt isn't from God! God wants all people saved! Regardless of who you are or what you have done you are a prime candidate for the love of God. If you don't know Him today you can change that. I encourage you to pray a simple prayer "Jesus be Lord of my life I admit I'm a sinner and I know that I need you, I believe you came to the earth and died on a cross so I could be saved and I now accept this salvation. In Jesus Christ's name Amen.

If you have just accepted Jesus as your Savior I would like to know about it please email me and let me know. If you have doubts or questions and would like to have someone to talk to please email me as well.

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