Sunday June 17th 2007

It was an honor to be named Pastor of the Porter Church on Sunday June 17, 2007. In addition to being named pastor two of my mentors laid hands on me and prayed God's blessings on me and my family. I cannot express how excited I am to have this opportunity. I know it is only by grace that God has given me this assignment and I will seek His favor and approval while serving the Porter Church.

It is truly amazing the way God works things out. If someone had told me 1 year ago that I would have the opportunity to again serve in a ministry position I would have laughed just as Sarah laughed at the promise of a child. I thought my ministry was barren and I fell for the deception the adversary tries to cast upon all of us. Once again I have seen the power and ability of God to change situations and men's hearts to allow His will to be done. Thank God! He never gives up because He knows the end from the beginning. If He didn't walk with us and before us where would we be?

I am merely human with many flaws and defects but for some reason God has seen fit to allow me to work for Him and to help build His Kingdom. It is with anticipation that I look forward to July 1, 2007 when I officially assume the role of Senior Pastor at Porter Church. The past two years God has been working in me and though I didn't realize it has been preparing me for this day. This is just another reminder of how the hard times in our lives often lead to moments of victory. I know there will be difficulties ahead but I also know more than ever that God is there to fight the battles and supply the needs.

Pastor Larry


Roger Whetstone said...

Congratulations on your appointment as Pastor. This is the opportunity for you to build a church in the midst of the harvest. Keep in mind that all things have small beginings. It is the atmosphere that you create in the environment where you are that will make you flourish! Create an atmosphere where God will come! He always brings people with him!

Roger Whetstone said...

Oops! I meant to let you know about my blog @
Have a great day!