Opportunity Knocks

A few weeks back I was called to the hospital in Muskogee because one of my church members was taken there in an ambulance. I went through the usual steps as a minister went back and prayed for her, visited with the family, and waited for results from the tests they were running. Her son Don and I were sitting in the waiting room when a man walked in. It was obvious he had been drinking and furthermore had been living a hard life. While Don and I were conversing the man made a comment or two which I pretty much ignored due to his intoxication. Finally, as we continued to talk and wait the man asked are you a preacher? I answered yes I am. He said I can tell because you have such a peace about you. My attention is now much more focused on this man with an obvious need. Before I can say anything Don speaks up and asks the man if he would like to know that peace. The man insists that he is saved and knows he would make heaven if he were to die.

We continued the conversation and finally I asked the man if he would like prayer. He immediately responded yes! Don and I led the man in the sinners prayer but I didn't feel like we were through ministering. I looked to the man again and said we need to pray again and you need to call out to God. To my surprise he called out very loudly JESUS HELP ME, BE LORD OF MY LIFE! By now everyone in the waiting room is looking at us but we certainly didn't care. Just as is so often true you wonder did he really mean what he prayed or is this just another person in crisis needing prayer.

Yesterday, to my amazement I received a phone call asking me if I was that preacher. After just a moment on the phone I knew that this was Ronnie from the hospital. I have to admit I was still treating this call with great skepticism wondering what does he need. You see weeks had passed without contact and after all he was drunk that night. But again to my surprise he had just called to update me on his situation. It appears Ronnie left the woman he was living with, has quit doing drugs and drinking and is regularly attending church. I must admit I am a bit ashamed at my skepticism but I have learned it from the world I live in today.

Let me encourage you to look for opportunities when they can be found. You and I though often hardened and skeptical are the only hope some people have. God is still opening doors and the Holy Spirit can change the most hopeless of hearts with gentle conviction. Please join in praying for Ronnie as he still has a difficult road ahead of him. But also pray for me and yourself that when opportunity knocks we quickly walk through it's door and that our sensitivity to God's Spirit will outweigh our hardened human hearts!


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