Change is in the Air

Change seems to be the word of the day. We just finished a verrrry long presidential election centered around the word "change". Outside the leaves and grass are changing colors. My wife and I have a senior in high school our lives are changing. We are preparing our daughter, Samantha, for the change from dependent to independent. One thing I've learned is that old saying "the more things change the more they stay the same" still rings true. You see the trees and flowers will bloom again next year. Our government will continue to ...uh I guess do what government does. When it comes right down to it just how much does this "change" change our lives? One thing seems very clear ministry is changing. People are being reached around the world by ministries they have never heard of from cities they have never visited. Churches are broadcasting their services live to multiple locations and right into our living rooms. While technology is changing and forcing ministries to keep up, there is one thing that will never change. People still need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. People still need to know there is a church or a Christian neighbor down the street who is willing to pray, someone who cares for them.

We are getting ready to go into the holiday season. While these times may be celebratory for the believer what about those who are alone and don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ. The one change that everyone needs is the change that is made when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. This is the only change that is eternal. While the government will continue to frustrate us, the seasons will come and go, and yes our children will grow up and become less dependent upon us, the change we experience when we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ will last forever. By the way, from what I'm told the kids never go away either :)

So, don't get too caught up in these changing times. Remember to continue to do what you know to do, continue to show the love of God to those around you and maybe just maybe we, by our actions, can affect some real change on some who don't yet know Him.

Isaiah 40:7-8
7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them.
Surely the people are grass. 8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our
God stands forever."


Pastor Larry

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