Imagine That!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us

Imagination is a powerful thing. God has given us all the ability to imagine. The scripture above states that God will do more than we can imagine. This principle is just like sowing seed. When we sow seed we get more in return than we have planted. If you sow seed for corn the corn stalks produce more than one new ear of corn, this is a spiritual principle as well. While preparing for this week's sermon I was inspired with 3 thoughts that I thought powerful enough to share.

Before I share these principles let me explain my thought process. Jesus continually reached out to the poor, humble, and underprivileged because they were the crowd hungry enough to listen to His message. He took the same message to the religious leaders from the right blood lines but they were so comfortable that they didn't need Him or His new ways. The poor however were desperate, hungry, and willing to change in order to experience God. In 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 we find what it is God is looking for. The scripture states that He uses the weak, humble, broken, and even under educated to confound the strong, rich, and proud. This is not a complete separation between the haves and have nots it's the attitude of heart that He is concerned with. Jesus chose His disciples carefully. He wasn't looking for blood lines or talent He was looking for the hungry and obedient. It was in these individuals that He knew the Father would be glorified. They needed Him and his righteousness, strength, wisdom, and redemption.

Things have not changed. Jesus is our strength, in Him we are equipped and inspired. In Him we are empowered. In fact, the Word tells us that we can be endued with power from on high (Luke 24:49). Power, not weakness but power from on high. We often see ourselves as weak and unworthy but Jesus said we would be powerful, righteous, and equipped. So if He provides the power and the grace what is our job? Simple, our job is to trust in Him and dream a bigger dream. I ask you now to imagine God filling your greatest need. Don't just think about it but picture it, envision it. Now imagine what life would be like without that need in your life. Abraham just wanted a son. He probably could envision himself and his son. I'm sure he had big plans for this son. A son to give his love to, to carry on his name, and to inherit everything he had amassed in life. God spoke to Abraham and Abraham began to dream with his mind of a son. While Abraham imagined a son an heir God was inspiring a far greater dream. God had in mind sons and daughters as many as the stars in the sky or sand on the sea shore. While this plan was bigger than Abraham's imagination God (exceedingly abundantly above) was there to inspire him to a bigger dream. Before long Abraham was dreaming a God sized dream. Jesus went to the cross so that we all (Romans 4:16-21) could be heirs of this promise. Aren't you glad that Abraham dreamed a bigger dream.

Now, why don't you dream a bigger dream. I asked you just a few moments ago to imagine God meeting your biggest need, now take that same thought and God size it. If you were believing for relief of pain why not believe for a complete and total healing. If you were believing for a financial issue why not believe God to prosper you in every area of your life. Take the dream from your head and get it down in your heart. Take the promises you have from the Word of God and begin to rehearse them until they are a part of you. The Bible tells us that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Is His Word in you? Abraham moved from a head knowledge to a heart knowledge. The dream got down in his spirit. God communicates with us directly from Spirit to Spirit. God has supplied the dream and Abraham supplied the faith that would make it possible.

I pray that you are dreaming a bigger dream than when you began reading this post. I pray that the Word of God has begun to permeate your spirit and inspire you to believe God. Now use the power God has given you and trust in Him. Before I conclude allow me to share my thoughts on what it takes to truly broaden our imaginations and God size our dreams.

1. You’ll never exceed what your mind can imagine without an inspiration from God

2. You can never surpass what you can trust God for

3. The depth and breadth of your vision is God’s only limitation

To hear this message in audio form go to and click on the title Imagine That!

Pastor Larry

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