Sometimes I Get Discouraged

It is so easy to be excited for God one day and down and discouraged the next. This is the roller coast ride many of us live in everyday life. The greatest truth I've found is that I am not governed by my emotions. Some days I may not like myself but God still loves me. Sometimes I think I'll never make it but God has already given me victory. Sometimes I feel guilty and condemned it's good to know Jesus carried my shame. Regardless of the negative feeling that brings about discouragement Jesus has already provided for my victory and in Him I win every time. He says that He will carry my burdens if I will just give them to Him. The scripture says do not grow weary in well doing! This is a hard commandment to keep but it is nevertheless a command. That must mean it is possible to live on some other plain than a roller coaster of emotion. The Bible says I can take my thoughts captive. That means I don't have to give in to the negative thoughts that can destroy me. I and only I have control of my mind and thoughts. The bible says God has set before us life and death, blessing and cursing and encourages us to choose life. I guess then I can choose to be blessed as well. Choose life, not just choose to live but choose abundant life (life to the full) if you are not currently living abundantly in Christ you are living beneath His promise to you. I don't know about you but I want to hold God to His covenant promises and the blessings He has made available to me, I want them ALL!!!

In closing let me say this. God didn't save you and call you to leave you feeling rejected. He doesn't change His mind and wish He had never met us. He knows what He is doing and when He made you He knew what great things He could do in your life.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

You may have messed up but God isn't finished with you! You may have suffered loss or defeat but God still has victories for your life! You may be guilt ridden from some sin or failure of the past but God's mercies are new every morning! It's time to get up from where you are and begin to trust God. Choose blessing, choose life, choose victory, choose salvation! In Him We Win Every Time!!!

Need some more encouragement listen to my recent message below.

All or Nothing

I preached a message Sunday on Covenant and it is in my heart so I want to share a little about God and His covenant with man. God is not like us He doesn't look for ways to avoid fulfilling His promises. In fact, He will do just about anything to help us stay in covenant relationship with Him. When man (Adam) broke the intimate covenant relationship God wished to have with man God made another way. At first He set up the law to let man know when He had done wrong. After the law had been in place for many years God still missed His intimacy with man. Under the law man could only approach God once per year through a priest because of the impurity of our sinful nature. But God once again remembering His covenant and showing His desire to know you and I on another level changed everything. He sent Jesus as flesh born of flesh and blood. The blood is very important because God had given dominion over the earth to man. Once God gives something He does not take it back, He's a God of His word. But because He had given this authority to man only a pure man could restore man to a place of intimacy with God. Jesus came as the mediator (go between). The mediator or go between is very important because a sacrifice of flesh and blood had to be made to fulfil this covenant. When God made covenenat with Abraham and His seed God had Abraham kill an animal and divide it in two parts then God passed through the two parts to symbolize the covenant with Abraham and his see (you and me). This animal was gone between thus a mediator or go between. Jesus became the final sacrfice the only go between we need to approach God. Now once we've confessed our sins we have the ability to approach God and He sees us as righteous because of our great Go Between Jesus. Isn't it amazing that God would send all He had His own son to fulfill a contract we had broken. In essence He became the gurantor of both sides of the contract. Now the covenant of God is between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus came to die so we could be included in this covenant. Today when we approach God we pray in Jesus Name because we have been given His name to use. Every time we approach God Jesus repeats our prayers to the Father and asks Him to work on our behalf to fulfill His covenant of blessing and favor with us. You might be asking yourself today what is my part? What do I need to do? The answer is simply receive Jesus Christ and you will immediately be adopted into a covenant of grace. No works will give you the blessing only repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ. What God we serve to give us such love when we deserve death. Isn't it great to know someone loves you uncoditionally and to know that someone is the creator of all things. In light of this shouldn't we give our all to God? To hear this message click on the play button below

Blood Covenant

I preached a message Sunday on Covenant and it is in my heart so I want to share a little about God and His covenant with man. God is not like us He doesn't look for ways to avoid fulfilling His promises. In fact, He will do just about anything to help us stay in covenant relationship with Him. When man (Adam) broke the intimate covenant relationship God wished to have with man God made another way. At first He set up the law to let man know when He had done wrong. After the law had been in place for many years God still missed His intimacy with man. Under the law man could only approach God once per year through a priest because of the impurity of our sinful nature. But God once again remembering His covenant and showing His desire to know you and I on another level changed everything. He sent Jesus as flesh born of flesh and blood. The blood is very important because God had given dominion over the earth to man. Once God gives something He does not take it back, He's a God of His word. But because He had given this authority to man only a pure man could restore man to a place of intimacy with God. Jesus came as the mediator (go between). The mediator or go between is very important because a sacrifice of flesh and blood had to be made to fulfil this covenant. When God made covenenat with Abraham and His seed God had Abraham kill an animal and divide it in two parts then God passed through the two parts to symbolize the covenant with Abraham and his see (you and me). This animal was gone between thus a mediator or go between. Jesus became the final sacrfice the only go between we need to approach God. Now once we've confessed our sins we have the ability to approach God and He sees us as righteous because of our great Go Between Jesus. Isn't it amazing that God would send all He had His own son to fulfill a contract we had broken. In essence He became the gurantor of both sides of the contract. Now the covenant of God is between God the Father and God the Son. Jesus came to die so we could be included in this covenant. Today when we approach God we pray in Jesus Name because we have been given His name to use. Every time we approach God Jesus repeats our prayers to the Father and asks Him to work on our behalf to fulfill His covenant of blessing and favor with us. You might be asking yourself today what is my part? What do I need to do? The answer is simply receive Jesus Christ and you will immediately be adopted into a covenant of grace. No works will give you the blessing only repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ. What God we serve to give us such love when we deserve death. Isn't it great to know someone loves you uncoditionally and to know that someone is the creator of all things. In light of this shouldn't we give our all to God? To hear this message go to and play the sermon title All or Nothing.

All is Forgiven

I thought I should share a little about God's grace and how He has changed my life. I was raised in church by parents who knew and loved God. During my childhood I saw the hand of God at many different times. I had an early childhood experience and came to know Jesus as my personal Savior. But as it so often happens during my teen years I slipped from a life devoted to Christ and sought for my independence. I went through the next 20 years of my lift lost looking for what I once had in Jesus Christ. It wouldn't benefit anyone for me to go into detail but I was lost and kept searching for answers. It wasn't until I was 24 years old that I would again try church. I had been constantly invited over the years but was afraid of having to make a change in my life. I guess I knew all along that God had a plan for my life and I was afraid to walk in it. Finally at the insistence of my wife we decided to attend the church I grew up in The Church of God of Prophecy in Coweta, Oklahoma. It was there that I met a loving church and Pastor D. Frank Hughes. Pastor Hughes was not satisfied with half hearted Christianity with him it was all or nothing. When Gena and I would miss a service he would call, send a bulletin or even come to the house. The more I went to church the more I realized the thing I had been searching for was a relationship with my Creator. I did not return to Him right away I didn't want to make major changes in my life. I saw christianity as bondage and I thought I was free. One day while driving down the road heading to work I had a real encounter with God. I was listening to Christian Radio and there was worship music playing at that moment I decided to make Jesus Christ Lord of my life. Almost instantly on the same drive home he called me into the ministry.

If I were to name the list of things I have done in my past you would wonder how can God love such a person? I have found that God doesn't remember even one of those sins because Jesus paid the price for all of my past failures. God's grace is sufficient for anything you may have done wrong. Guilt isn't from God! God wants all people saved! Regardless of who you are or what you have done you are a prime candidate for the love of God. If you don't know Him today you can change that. I encourage you to pray a simple prayer "Jesus be Lord of my life I admit I'm a sinner and I know that I need you, I believe you came to the earth and died on a cross so I could be saved and I now accept this salvation. In Jesus Christ's name Amen.

If you have just accepted Jesus as your Savior I would like to know about it please email me and let me know. If you have doubts or questions and would like to have someone to talk to please email me as well.

Porter Church

The Porter Church has been in existence for a number of years. We have come through both good and bad times and today remain as a part of God's plan to build His kingdom. We desire to know the heart of God and show His love to our community and world. We desire to be engaged in the harvest in these last days. We are a church that tries to think outside the traditional box to find the local needs and meet them through God's love and power. We welcome all people regardless of life situations, race, or religious background. Jesus roamed about this earth in the flesh inviting all to come to know Him. Our goal remains in line with Christ. We welcome you to come to know Him and be changed due to His great sacrfice. It's true! Christ died so we could live and live eternally. We want to share this eternity with you, all who are within our reach. If you don't have a church to call home you are invited to the Porter Church. We don't judge you for your past we simply try to show you the promise of your future!

Pastor Larry

Sunday June 17th 2007

It was an honor to be named Pastor of the Porter Church on Sunday June 17, 2007. In addition to being named pastor two of my mentors laid hands on me and prayed God's blessings on me and my family. I cannot express how excited I am to have this opportunity. I know it is only by grace that God has given me this assignment and I will seek His favor and approval while serving the Porter Church.

It is truly amazing the way God works things out. If someone had told me 1 year ago that I would have the opportunity to again serve in a ministry position I would have laughed just as Sarah laughed at the promise of a child. I thought my ministry was barren and I fell for the deception the adversary tries to cast upon all of us. Once again I have seen the power and ability of God to change situations and men's hearts to allow His will to be done. Thank God! He never gives up because He knows the end from the beginning. If He didn't walk with us and before us where would we be?

I am merely human with many flaws and defects but for some reason God has seen fit to allow me to work for Him and to help build His Kingdom. It is with anticipation that I look forward to July 1, 2007 when I officially assume the role of Senior Pastor at Porter Church. The past two years God has been working in me and though I didn't realize it has been preparing me for this day. This is just another reminder of how the hard times in our lives often lead to moments of victory. I know there will be difficulties ahead but I also know more than ever that God is there to fight the battles and supply the needs.

Pastor Larry