Compassion Campaign

We have so much to be thankful for! Don't we? I know I do. This holiday season I have challenged my family and friends to approach the holidays with more than talk. I have provoked them to take action. Throughout God's Word we are told to take action. Our actions can bring blessing, they demonstrate our faith, and let the world know we are what we claim to be. This Thanksgiving and holiday season it would be easy to just sit back and talk about how good God has been, but what would that prove? My challenge is that we take action. Let's be a light this season. Let's show our Thanksgiving and Christmas spirit by making a difference. I'm not asking for anyone to take on new activities that keep you away from family, just be on the lookout for an opportunity to do good. Help someone at the store load their groceries. Give that stressed out Wal-Mart employee a tip or a God bless you. Give up your spot in line to a wearied shopper. Go to a neighbor or friend that you know will spend the holidays alone and invite them to eat Thanksgiving Dinner with your family.

If you do the research you will quickly find that more people take their own lives during the holidays than any other period of the year. Why? Because they are alone and don't know the Savior, Jesus Christ. How many lives can you impact this year? Why not find out. Be thankful by giving the grace and love God has given to you.Let others see the love of God by the example you live this season.

Matthew 25:34-40
34"Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' 37"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' 40"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

Fellowship Matters

Acts 2:42-47
42 All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord’s Supper[i]), and to prayer. 43 A deep sense of awe came over them all, and the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. 44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity[j]—47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved.

Fellowship is a word derived from the original word which means communion or forming a community. A community is a group of people who share common interests. But a fellowship or Christian community isn't meant to be an ordinary gathering of people. We are meant to gather together with one mind and one accord. The passage of scripture above says a lot about what's wrong with the church today. The people of the first real church of the New Testament met together daily. They like each other! They even hung out on days other than the sabbath. The scripture says they shared everything they had, not in some communistic society but they freely shared due to genuine concern for one another. They worshipped together at the temple everyday! Can you imagine if we tried to have church everyday. How many services would you make? I'm not blaming you there are churches I've been involved in that I didn't want to attend every service. Some I have pastored were hard to go to. So what made this church different? Were they just super-spritiual? No. Clearly they weren't because we know that they had their issues just like we do. The one thing I can see is they had a common purpose. They knew why they had a church, they understood their purpose, and they had a clear plan to accomplish their goals.

This church wasn't built to serve those who would attend although it did just that when necessary. It wasn't built as an outreach location, though as we see in this scripture it also served that purpose. In fact, this church wasn't about a building at all. We can see from the passage they had just as much success and fellowship in their homes were they also frequently met. This church wasn't a dead dry formal or religious location is was vibrant. They stayed true to their purpose and they saw the power of God demonstrated regularly. The scripture finally says that the Lord added to the church daily those that were saved. Notice here that the Lord added to the church. They didn't all converge in a room to determine whom they wanted to add they let God lead and determine who these new members would be.

It doesn't sound like this church was filled with committees or those who controlled its doing but rather genuine believers with little concern for their status in the fellowship. You see fellowship isn't about me it's about us. Fellowship means I care about others welfare right along with my own. It's a place where you can come to find refuge. A place were you don't have to worry about your past rather you can find out about the brightness of your future. I know, this sounds like a Utopian society but is it?

Does this passage of scripture describe your church? I have to admit my church is far from this model. What is our purpose? What are our goals? One thing is certain we need to get back to the simplicity with which these people lived. I would guess that if our churches meet with the criteria above they would be equally vibrant, they would be growing. One mind, one accord, constantly in prayer and fellowship. Prayer for one another. God help us to return to the values of the church you established. Help us to remember why we are here. Help us to find our purpose and work hand in hand toward it's completion.

Change is in the Air

Change seems to be the word of the day. We just finished a verrrry long presidential election centered around the word "change". Outside the leaves and grass are changing colors. My wife and I have a senior in high school our lives are changing. We are preparing our daughter, Samantha, for the change from dependent to independent. One thing I've learned is that old saying "the more things change the more they stay the same" still rings true. You see the trees and flowers will bloom again next year. Our government will continue to ...uh I guess do what government does. When it comes right down to it just how much does this "change" change our lives? One thing seems very clear ministry is changing. People are being reached around the world by ministries they have never heard of from cities they have never visited. Churches are broadcasting their services live to multiple locations and right into our living rooms. While technology is changing and forcing ministries to keep up, there is one thing that will never change. People still need to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ. People still need to know there is a church or a Christian neighbor down the street who is willing to pray, someone who cares for them.

We are getting ready to go into the holiday season. While these times may be celebratory for the believer what about those who are alone and don't have a relationship with Jesus Christ. The one change that everyone needs is the change that is made when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. This is the only change that is eternal. While the government will continue to frustrate us, the seasons will come and go, and yes our children will grow up and become less dependent upon us, the change we experience when we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ will last forever. By the way, from what I'm told the kids never go away either :)

So, don't get too caught up in these changing times. Remember to continue to do what you know to do, continue to show the love of God to those around you and maybe just maybe we, by our actions, can affect some real change on some who don't yet know Him.

Isaiah 40:7-8
7 The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them.
Surely the people are grass. 8 The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our
God stands forever."


Pastor Larry

Opportunity Knocks

A few weeks back I was called to the hospital in Muskogee because one of my church members was taken there in an ambulance. I went through the usual steps as a minister went back and prayed for her, visited with the family, and waited for results from the tests they were running. Her son Don and I were sitting in the waiting room when a man walked in. It was obvious he had been drinking and furthermore had been living a hard life. While Don and I were conversing the man made a comment or two which I pretty much ignored due to his intoxication. Finally, as we continued to talk and wait the man asked are you a preacher? I answered yes I am. He said I can tell because you have such a peace about you. My attention is now much more focused on this man with an obvious need. Before I can say anything Don speaks up and asks the man if he would like to know that peace. The man insists that he is saved and knows he would make heaven if he were to die.

We continued the conversation and finally I asked the man if he would like prayer. He immediately responded yes! Don and I led the man in the sinners prayer but I didn't feel like we were through ministering. I looked to the man again and said we need to pray again and you need to call out to God. To my surprise he called out very loudly JESUS HELP ME, BE LORD OF MY LIFE! By now everyone in the waiting room is looking at us but we certainly didn't care. Just as is so often true you wonder did he really mean what he prayed or is this just another person in crisis needing prayer.

Yesterday, to my amazement I received a phone call asking me if I was that preacher. After just a moment on the phone I knew that this was Ronnie from the hospital. I have to admit I was still treating this call with great skepticism wondering what does he need. You see weeks had passed without contact and after all he was drunk that night. But again to my surprise he had just called to update me on his situation. It appears Ronnie left the woman he was living with, has quit doing drugs and drinking and is regularly attending church. I must admit I am a bit ashamed at my skepticism but I have learned it from the world I live in today.

Let me encourage you to look for opportunities when they can be found. You and I though often hardened and skeptical are the only hope some people have. God is still opening doors and the Holy Spirit can change the most hopeless of hearts with gentle conviction. Please join in praying for Ronnie as he still has a difficult road ahead of him. But also pray for me and yourself that when opportunity knocks we quickly walk through it's door and that our sensitivity to God's Spirit will outweigh our hardened human hearts!



43! You may be wondering what is the significance of the number 43, it's simple. 43 means God is good and faithful. 43 means that if you trust and obey Him He will reward you openly. 43 is not my age at least not yet. 43 means we are making progress. 43 to some seems like an insignificant amount but when you had 13 43 is huge. 43 is the number of people who showed up to worship at Porter this morning. God is blessing our church and the pews are quickly filling up. What a blessing to see people coming in to find their pew taken or a new couple walk in and have to stop and look just to find a place to sit. On July 1st we will have been pastoring at Porter for 1 year and God gets all the glory for the growth we have seen. I just wanted to praise Him openly. If you have no place to go and are looking for a church that is loving and growing come and see what God is doing in Porter Oklahoma!

Why Me?

Sunday I preached a message on the subject of "WHY". Why me God? Why do bad things happen to good people. Although no one but God can truly answer this question I felt a responsibility to address the issue. The first thing to consider is that God never intended for the world to be in the shape it is now in. He intended for Adam and Eve to live in fellowship with Him. Satan came in, as he does so often in our lives, and acted as a deceiver. He told them the good things that they could have if they would just disobey and stray from God's perfect plan. They allowed the temptation to overcome them and gave in to a shortcut that would temporarily stall God's plan to have relationship with mankind. The Bible tells us that satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. But God sent His Son,Jesus, so we could live an abundant life. He came to seek and save those who have been deceived (lost). Adam and Eve gave up the perfection that God had instituted and we now long for. So it's our enemy, satan, that is to blame and not God when things don't go our way.

Some ask why do good moral Christian people come under attack? The answer is simple. If satan can destroy and discourage those trying to represent God he will and he will stop at nothing. The point is it isn't time to give up! It's time to get up even if you've fallen, if you're discouraged and hurting, get up! Someone needs you! Sure the bumps in the road of life will come that's when we have to rely even more on God to carry us. When your strength fails remember in our weakness He is still strong.

So why? We may not answer that age old question in this post but we do need to keep in mind that God has an excellent plan for those who are willing to trust Him. Cast your cares today on Jesus. Are you down? Look to Him he's your hope. Are you sick? Look to Jesus by His stripes we are healed. Are you feeling guilty for something you've done? Look to Jesus where there is forgiveness of sin.

In Jesus Christ satan is defeated, Death is destroyed, Financial loss is restored, and we have the promise of eternal life.

The message below addresses these same issues.

Revival Night 1 All Things Are Possible

God is blessing our church. We have fasted and prayed for a week and we are already seeing results. Tonight Evangelist Steve Fisher brought the word. He confirmed much of what God has already been telling us as a church over the past few weeks. I thank God for this confirmation. As Steve reminded us God's Word is confirmed by 2 to 3 witnesses. Tonight we had that 3rd witness of what God is going to do at Porter. We are believing God for the souls of the city of Porter. By doing the recent miracles He has done He has increased out faith. This past Sunday I told the church the only way to stop a move of God is to let flesh get in the way. God has made me much more sensitive to His Spirit and I am being very careful as a pastor to allow Him to move. With this heightened awareness of His will He has been able to do more among us. I have included Brother Steve's sermon below. I pray that is blesses you as it did us. All Things Are Possible!!!

Pastor Larry

Revival At Porter

The Porter Church will be in revival March 12 - 16 nightly at 6 pm and ending Sunday Morning at 11 am. We will have 3 speakers

Wednesday 7 PM: Rev. Steve Fisher
Thursday - Friday 7 PM: Pastor Joe Alzate of Hartshorne First Assembly
Saturday 7 PM - Sunday 11 AM: Bishop D. Frank Hughes

I have included an audio sermon from Pastor Joe at the bottom for you to listen to. Everyone is invited come expecting and you will be blessed. The Porter Church is in prayer and fasting mode and God is doing great things among us. Regardless of you need God has an answer come and find it at Porter Church 310 S. 8th Street Porter, Ok.

Pastor Larry

Growing Pains

We are currently in a series of messages called "Growing Pains." This message series compares the stages of physical life the Children of Israel went through with our stages of spiritual development. We began this series with Stage 1 infancy and this past week I preached Stage 2 the Battle Years.

I wanted to blog about this subject, Growing Pains, because our church is truly experiencing some growing pains. We are rapidly out growing our current building. This is a great problem, it means that God is doing something. I have been in almost constant prayer that God will give us a vision for the future of the Porter Church. He has begun to do just that and I can now see that vision that He put in me catching hold of others in our congregation. I also know this, when God gives a vision He also gives the provision.

Sometimes when we are going through personal growing pains we see them as just problems. God often uses these types of issues to give us opportunities to learn to trust Him a little more. Joseph said to his brothers, you meant it for evil but God meant it for good. Don't you find it amazing that Joseph was able to find good in being sold into slavery and then falsely accused and thrown in to prison? I wonder how long he had to stay in that prison to let go and trust God?

I have noticed that many Christians live in a prison oppressed by the devil's schemes. All the while God is calling out let, Me help you! Let Me carry those burdens. We continue to struggle trying to find our own answers and satan continues to win. We have been given power and authority over him and his tricks. Just as the Children of Israel looked at a land and saw giants, God saw their opportunity for blessing. They saw a river that looked uncrossable, God saw dry ground that they could walk through. They saw giants and struggles, God saw the fearful inhabitants that already knew they were defeated. God gave some the vision and when Caleb and Joshua trusted Him they were given the provision to possess THEIR land.

I wonder how many times we have stood on the brink of victory only to see the troubles on the other side and faint with fear. The Bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind. To sum it all up it is time we grow up and allow those Growing Pains to mature us to the victorious people God wants us to be. Below you will see part 2 of this series of sermons click to listen and let the Word of God encourage you.

Pastor Larry